“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”
Zig Ziglar

For almost two decades researchers have been exploring the physical, social and psychological benefits of gratitude, and the results continually tell us that practicing gratitude can only lead to good things.

One of the leading researchers in the field of gratitude, Robert Emmons, has conducted hundreds of studies exploring the connection between gratitude and improvements in other areas of life. Here’s what he’s found:

Physical Benefits

People who practice gratitude tend to:

  • Have stronger immune systems
  • Be better able to manage pain
  • Have lower Blood Pressure
  • Be motivated to engage in physically
    beneficial activities such as exercise
  • Sleep better and for longer

Social Benefits

People who practice gratitude are:

  • More helpful and generous to others
  • More forgiving of loved ones
  • Proactive in social gatherings
    and more outgoing
  • Less likely to feel lonely or isolated

Psychological Benefits

People who practice gratitude will:

  • Experience more positive emotions
    such as joy, optimism and pleasure
  • Feel more alert and awake
  • Feel more positive about the future
  • Be better able to overcome challenges

And here’s one of the main benefits
gratitude has been linked to:




The wonderful thing about gratitude is that it falls under the ‘intentional activity’ category for increasing our feelings of happiness. This means, with practice, anyone can build more gratitude into their daily life and in doing so, increase their happiness.

Take a look at our Happy Red Dot Workshop. It’s about being happy. Singapore Happy.

This 3-hour workshop (online & face-to-face versions available) is based on credible research and the Science of Happiness. The workshop covers specific activities that help increase happiness. You’ll use proven tools, techniques and resources. It’s a fantastic starting point for anyone wanting to explore happiness in more depth. Plus you’ll have loads of fun, and meet some amazing people. And it’s FREE to attend. Absolutely no strings attached. Find out more about the workshop, and signup!