“Science of happiness lies in our understanding. The secrets of happiness lie in our capacity to expand our heart.”
Amit Ray


Even the word itself evokes warm feelings, memories of activities that have made us feel happy, and the stirrings of a smile.

Very few of us need to dive deep into definitions of ‘happiness’, as we know what it means to us as individuals. When we ask ‘would you like more happiness?’, however, it’s a very different answer.

The World Happiness Report is released every year on International Day of Happiness and provides a robust sense of how people are feeling globally when it comes to the amount of happiness in their lives. The report found that negative feelings were up by 27% in comparison to the previous year.

The report tells us that many people would like to be happier, but are uncertain how to achieve it.

This is where the Science of Happiness comes in.

The Science of Happiness probably sounds a lot more technical than it really is. There’s no real secret behind what it means, it’s essentially the psychological science and research behind what happiness is, how we experience, how it impacts us, and how we can feel more of it.

We have the field of Positive Psychology to thank for bringing this area of our lives into greater focus. One of the founding principles of Positive Psychology is that each and every one of us wants to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life in order to flourish. 

This short video with leading Positive Psychology researcher Sonja Lyubormisky offers
a great explanation of The Science of Happiness:

Take a look at our Happy Red Dot Workshop. It’s about being happy. Singapore Happy.

This 3-hour workshop (online & face-to-face versions available) is based on credible research and the
Science of Happiness. The workshop covers specific activities that help increase happiness. You’ll use proven tools, techniques and resources. It’s a fantastic starting point for anyone wanting to explore happiness in more depth. Plus you’ll have loads of fun, and meet some amazing people. And it’s FREE to attend. Absolutely no strings attached. Find out more about the workshop, and signup!