3-Hour Online & Face-to-Face Workshops Available

Why do so many people feel so unfulfilled & unhappy?
Why is Singapore ranked only #49 in the Global Happiness Index?
What is causing the worldwide loneliness epidemic?
Why do so many feel an uneasy anxiety all the time?

Nothing is more important than happiness. We all know and accept this. So how is it that Singapore is ranked #1 in so many worthy areas, but is ranked #49 in the World Happiness Report 2020?

How does tiny Singapore, regularly ranked #1 for various areas of education, business opportunities, living standards, low corruption, safety and so much more, end up below Guatemala City, Dubai, Bogota, Tel Aviv and 44 other cities in the latest World Happiness Rankings?

What’s making us unhappy, or less happy? What are we missing? And what can we do about it?

That’s what we’ll explore in this fun, fact filled and entertaining 3-hour session.

Both the online and face-to-face Happy Red Dot workshops are based on credible – often groundbreaking – research and science. Get ready to be surprised & entertained. More importantly, be prepared to learn lots, meet some wonderful people and decide to be happy. It’s all about the Science of Happiness – Singapore style.

  • Fun Activities
  • Real World Examples
  • Interesting & Credible Research
  • Evidence Based Happiness Strategies
  • Tools & Games
  • Humor
  • Positive Psychology Techniques
  • Custom Designed Video

This workshop will open a door to attaining true & sustainable happiness.
So, let’s get Happy. Singapore Happy.

At the end of the session you will:

  • Understand the concept of happiness.
  • Find out what it means to be uniquely Singapore Happy.
  • Learn the key findings of The Science of Happiness.
  • Use our custom designed Singapore Happiness Wheel to understand where you stand.
  • Discover what happens in your brain when you are happy, smile and laugh.
  • Understand the latest neuroscience research on exercise, movement & happiness.
  • Explore the roots of a happy and meaningful life – including social connection, self compassion & expressing gratitude.
  • Learn to reflect on your Happiness Set-Point.
  • Discover the concept of Flow, and techniques for achieving flow at work.
  • Learn research-tested happiness enhancing
    journaling techniques.
  • Apply lessons from neuroscience, cognitive
    psychology, positive and social psychology
    to your personal & professional life.
  • Happy Workplaces: The Short Version
  • Setting up your Happiness Calendar.




All Adults